When one says that another has wit; it can either mean that they have a sense of humor or exceptional intelligence. A clever, quick or bright person I'd say. The film Wit is undoubtedly one of my favourite films to date. I was introduced to this film by my Literature writing professor, Dr. Barbara Nightingale in my first semester at University. She made us recite poetry, visit art galleries, and write our own eulogy for one home-work assignment. Wit was a film she made the class watch one warm afternoon; and neither of us had any high expectations; seeing that it was 'only' an HBOtelevision film. Little did we know what we were in store for; a film that tugged enormously at one's heart strings to say the least and for those who hadn't yet been touched by tragedy in life to experience firsthand a path in life every one of us would have to journey.
I marvel at Emma Thompson's performance in this film; it was mind blowingly marvelous work. She committed to the character of Viviane Bearing whole heartedly and completely took us on a beautiful level that made us cherish our lives.
Wit was released in 2001, based on a play by Margaret Edson, with screenplay adaptation by Emma Thompson and Mike Nichols, also directed by Mike Nichols. It was done in memory of Derek Anson Jones. Its subject not one people necessarily enjoy dealing with; that being of death; yet it is one we all must deal with whether we wish to or not.
I am by no means a morbid person, but I must admit because of my life's experiences thus far, these ominous topics do fascinate me. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a fear as many people do, but it is not essentially of passing on that terrifies me but only that there is so much I wish to experience before continuing onwards to the exciting amnesias tic adventure. To experience 'true' love; to feel a life grow inside of me; to walk with my father up the aisle; to travel to Egypt; to walk the red carpet in elegance; to receive awards and recognition for contribution to the film and writing world…so many wonderful things I hope to achieve. But life is short and not promised, and so each day I try to remember that even though I wish to get so many things done, that I should just value each breath, each smile, each touch, sweet sounds, and lovely tastes…because life is truly dazzling and we are truly fortunate to have new days! I am reminded also when spending time with my best friend who is quite young (I suppose as young as myself – although most times I forget my age) and suffers greatly with fragile health; constantly living and visiting hospitals to regulate her mortality. She is by no means a regular girl; yet extraordinary in the way she operates through life. Always with a smile, always positive, always spontaneous…I love her! And also spending time with the elderly at senior homes as well as hospice; such wisdom they share and lessons on appreciation of life. It is something so fulfilling and sacred.
There is a poem which Viviane Bearing continually refers to throughout the film, which reads:
Death be not proud, but some have called thee mighty and dreadful,
For thou art not so, for those that think so, art thou overthrow,
Die not poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me,
Thou art slave, to faith, chance, kings and desperate men, and dost with poison,
More and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms that make us sleep as well,
And better with thine strength, life's well thou then,
One short sleep past, and thee awake eternity,
And death shall be no more, death shall die.
I find it quite heartrending and poignant; akin with this film. I'd seen it once in 2002, and it stayed with me until now; that I had the opportunity to pick the only copy up from the shelf of Fry's Electronics store. It is a film I would recommend for someone to come to terms with life and death and or simply to learn a lesson in how people should treat each other and be pleased about the blessing that is of good health and life! J