Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Master/Teacher/Father; three very important and significant terms; which all have different associations and meanings. Many will prefer to call a person ‘Father’ because that involves forgiveness; so we can continue in our mischievous ways but know that our ‘Father’ will still always love us and forgive us over and over again. Other’s associate the word ‘Teacher’ with knowledge, respect, but discipline; we may be forgiven but not after a good scolding and lecture as to why we should stay on the path. And ‘Master’ well, most don’t use association with this word at all. We know of Masters in slavery terminology, and also in Martial Arts, as well as dog owners letting their pets know who is Master at all times. This is more of, let me take control of your life, because I am in charge and know what’s best for you. You disobey, you suffer, you trust, you succeed because you can’t see or understand all that is ahead of you. Many find the latter, the harshest of them all; because we prefer to be in control of our lives.

In life we’ve all been in situations that are beyond our control. Why did this happen? How did I get here? That’s not fair! When will it end? I can’t take it anymore! We are NOT IN CONTROL. The sooner we realize this; the more humble, accepting and grateful we’ll become. Just as man has made many things, all that is natural also has a creator; something much greater and beyond our realm of understanding; then why deny, ignore or pretend that we are in control of everything in our lives? We are in control of our mood, reactions and point-of-views. But because you don’t believe in something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We can’t see love. We can’t see air. But we know it’s there and that it subsists.

Therefore, instead of fighting all the time, and battling against life-situations and elements, realize that once you succumb to the simple fact that everything is not under your control, the more peace, joy and comfort you’ll have in trusting what your Supreme-Being/Universe has in store for you. When you feel cold and un-sure, filled with anxiety and fear because you are being pushed in a direction that is foreign to the norm; smile, because change is ALWAYS a good thing! We may not see it now; but we will one day and be grateful for it. Let God/Universe take the reins in your life; let him be your ‘Master’; complain, whine and worry not. He’s in charge at all times; let him take control of your life, because he knows what’s best for you. Change may be scary and un-certain but prayer is your communicator and he’ll enlighten you and take you to rewards and beauty more lovely than you could ever imagine.

Jair J

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