Thursday, July 26, 2012


I remember once when I complained about some things about where I lived and my darling friend at the time said, “Well, Jair, if you have all those problems, then you can just move back home!” I found him preposterous at the time; but indeed he was right. As a matter of fact, if you complain about something, then you should do entirely the opposite. Remove yourself from the situation or ‘go back from whence you came’.

I think complaining isn’t the most charming of things; nevertheless it is good to vent or express discomforts or anxiety when they arise. It isn’t wise to keep these emotions or feelings bottled up inside; these stresses when left inside harbor ‘dis-eases’ within the body, causing a number of ailments to occur. Besides complaining we can relieve our stresses of the day, weeks or years by releasing it in clever or artistic ways. We can use subtle approaches like counting to 10, breathing deeply or literally walking away from a situation; these work for some people; for others I would recommend, driving to a faraway field and screaming, playing tennis, squeezing a ball, punching a bag or simply crying.

Besides complaining, I find that we should instead of pointing fingers and criticizing and judging because things aren’t a certain way, that we, according to Gandhi – become the change we wish to see in the world. We curse, we complain, we condemn but we never offer solutions and we never propose a helping hand. How self-seeking we’ve become to think that the world revolves around us only. Sure, this is THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE; but seriously there are other people living in your world; all who believe it’s ‘the story of their life’ also.

Be mindful; think before you speak, reflect before you complain; and don’t ask why is this happening to me? Instead, accept what is brought to you, adapt to the change, and learn from it so that you are better prepared if it should happen again. Easier said than done; I know – but not impossible – for everything is possible with the flow of the Universe/God. Travel with it. Trust it. Share in it. All is as it should be. Give thanks! It could always be worse...J

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