Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've been wanting to write about the theme of 'Trust' for a while now, but I wasn't quite sure how I could go about it. For me it is a lesson I've learnt recently; and even if I do have short spells of doubt that invade my mind, because of my lesson I am able to shake it off much more quickly than ever before. Trust is a massive thing we humans deal with throughout our life; if we didn't have it then we could never feel comfortable or at ease with others. We hope we can trust our doctors to do a good job at stitching us up right. We hope we can trust our parents to make the right decisions on raising us right. We hope we can trust our friends to be there for us when we need them the most. We hope for many things from people; however many times friends, family and loved ones let us down. It may not be their intention, but they disappoint, be-little, betray, and sometimes literally make our life a living hell. Because of this dis-trust, it is more difficult to believe the person a 2nd time or trust or be nice to new people that may enter our lives. It is like the story of 'The Boy who Cried Wolf'; where time and time again people were sympathetic and empathetic with the boy's pleas, each time realizing that it was for the own boy's good that he learn his lesson on his own, instead of playing with people's emotions. We should always treat people the way we wish to be treated…

There have been quite a few times in my life where I have been swindled, trapped, played with and upset beyond recognition; in turn creating within me heightened suspicions and disbelief of anyone entering my life, claiming to add positively to it. I learned that you could never judge a book by its cover though and that whatever you may be thinking about somebody, you're most likely wrong. It is better to practice that everyone is innocent until proven guilty; and when they are proven guilty; forgive them, for they know not that they are in fact harming themselves more than they hoped to hurt you.

There is a saying that goes: "Forgive a person not 7 times, but 77 times…" and another which states: "And if someone slaps you in the face, turn and give them the next cheek…" These are certainly noble and wise statements, however after someone has continuously shown you an ugly side of them, even after you have tried multiple times to make things better, then I believe you should forgive them, and let go. It is not good to keep vexations or negativity around you…it is not good for your soul or your happiness! Forgive, be civil, but do not entertain people who aren't genuine or loving to you in your life. You can never force someone to do anything they aren't ready to; only they can change themselves…do your best and know that one day it will be resolved; in the mean time, continue living the best you can!

I have learnt that with people trust is questionable but that the love from the Universe/Creator/God is the one that we can always count on and feel secure in. Trust in the Universe is closely related to having faith that whatever seems impossible is possible and whatever seems too heavy a burden becomes light as a feather. Sometimes life becomes turbulent to make way for greater things to come into our lives. Through the greatest tragedy, change takes place to give birth to new beautiful people and things in our lives…the Universe/God wants the best for you in your life and when things become sour in different aspects of your life, it is a means of getting rid of toxicities so that you are able to rediscover a better you! Whatever is in the darkness must come to light and it is usually for a very good reason; to remove your blindness so that you can stare widely into splendid and magnificent pure light! J

To find truth, it is as difficult as for blind men to try to describe the real form of an elephant by touch… and this leads me to a darling Buddhist fable that goes like this:

"…Once upon a time a king gathered some blind men about an elephant and asked them to tell him what an elephant was like. The first man felt a tusk and said an elephant was like a giant carrot; another happened to touch an ear and said it was like a big fan; another touched its trunk and said it was like a pestle; still another, who happened to feel its leg, said it was like a mortar; and another, who grasped its tail said it was like a rope. Not one of them was able to tell the king the elephant's real form.

In like manner, one might partially describe the nature of man but would not be able to describe the true nature of a human being…"

In other words, I believe that it is only in the Universe/God that you could safely but all of your trust in, for positive deliveries every time. For even though you may be walking on un-stable ground, and you do not even know where you are going or how you can go on; you can have trust to know that all you need to do is put one foot in front of the other and ground will appear… problems will be fixed or eliminated, burdens will be lifted and joys and love will be recovered if you just keep your faith and 'trust' alive….and keep on walking…J

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