Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Four Seasons

Recommended on a flight by a wonderful flight mate a few months ago; excitement indefinitely arose upon me, when finding this 1981 jewel-of-a-film! Written, directed and starring Alan Alda; and nominated for 4 Golden Globes, it was also the winner of 2 prestigious awards. It is most undoubtedly a film I could understand my flight mate enjoying over and over again.

It was fitting to have Vivaldi play throughout the film as it definitely help set the pace between the different seasons and what each couple was going through at that time in their lives. There were beautiful landscapes and cinematography capturing the beauty of wherever they were; and sensible content that proved thought-provoking and debatable as many Woody Allen films. There was also a decent amount of banter and laughter to keep the film flowing despite its heavy content and between the sprinklings of humour; the transitions were smooth and clever.

I liked that each couple and character had specific personality traits that made them authentic yet lovable as we all aren't perfect, and the way these 3 couples were able to give and take and really hash things out during the course of a year during their seasonal outings. This mixture of comedy and drama made for an enjoyable display of charisma and charm.

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