Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Iron Lion Zion

I think we all can agree “2016” was sort of ‘rocky’ for many of us. That could mean different things for different people. Whether it meant tragedy, stress, or enormous change, we all went through it, some more gracefully than others, but as we push through the fog into 2017, let’s keep our faith strong and be resilient as we know we can be. 

The more time passes, the more we tend to become bitter, cynical or un-hopeful, but we must not let the leathery moments in life keep us steeled away. We must keep our child-like zeal and lust for the ambitions we hold in our hearts. We must remind ourselves that with a positive mind, and positive people surrounding us any and every thing is indeed possible. We can ultimately reach our desires once we actively make steps towards our dreams. 

No matter how small these steps are. Every move forward is precious! Life is not a race, and we run and run to realize that we all get the prize. So slow down; enjoy the moment and the people you meet along the way. It’ll enrich our experience and inspire us to perform optimally with plenty of energy even after we cross the finish-line!

Bless-up darlings!

Here’s to a wonderfully magical NEW YEAR! 


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