Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Answer will Come

Do the right thing, do the right thing. Treat people with love and respect, roll with the punches, and if someone punches you, smile and show them the other cheek. Good things come to those who wait; patience is virtue and virtue is grace. We've all heard these things before. We know that even when things are overwhelming and terribly daunting that we will get over the obstacle at some point, at least eventually. We just sometimes wonder, why? Why if I did all the right things; then why is it that I must suffer so? Don't worry, the answer will come. Everything happens for a reason and usually for a good reason; to assist you or make you stronger for the future. Great men and may I plug in also 'great women' have often times gone through the unthinkable before obtaining success.

Therefore don't let the problem you face overwhelm you, keep positive and joyful and know that good things will happen again soon. Keep goals in your mind of what you want to create or re-create; of what you desire and keep strong with faith/believe or prayer that whatever obstacle you are up against, that you're going to keep standing. The Big Bad Wolf could huff and puff as much as he wants, but you've got a heart made of bricks [ha-ha]; and you've also got God/Universe standing in front of you to keep you strong. So what if people you loved turned blind eyes to you and the car you just paid off for cannot run! Be a warrior for peace and love and understanding and don't question just surrender and know that you're in store for some lovely blessings in the future. The Universe guarantees it! J

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