Saturday, June 18, 2011


It was while watching one of my favourite Wallace & Gromit films: A matter of Loaf and Death; that it occurred to me a few things. One indeed, that I felt like Gromit, in that everyone around me was giggling, happy and in love. My parents just celebrating their 27th wedding anniversary (I'm truly quite happy for them); two of my dear girlfriend's getting married the following month of July; and well through the walls of my new place there sure was a lot of giggling or could that be 'thumping sounds' happening on the other end! Oh bother! The second thing that occurred to me was that in life we always want MORE. Never are we satisfied with where we're at and what we've got. We always want MORE. Be it material things, new gadgets, a dog, a child, or money. Surely human beings don't tend to be content in the least; there is always just that one more thing we can have that will give us that extra oomph!; that extra bit of happiness we earnestly crave! We can safely say though that after achieving what it is that we want, the elation wears off quite quickly…it doesn't take long till you tire of that gadget, or the Apple corporation invents the new and improved version of what you already have. I suppose the only thing that won't ever tire, that should always be exciting is your mate, your friend, your true love…for 'every bread surely has a cheese!' I just suppose I may be a tad too cheesy for any bread at all! Oh Crumbs! J

Try to focus on what it is that you have already. Your family; parents (even if they live far away and you rarely see them); a job, even if it isn't the dream job; your health, your strength, friends that entertain you or make you laugh, no mariachi bands playing outside your window (amen to that), sunshine, great sneakers, a snazzy car, suitors…even if they…hey you're liked! Focus on these things and what it is that you desire will be sent, and your already good fortune will be multiplied, you must be grateful for where you're at. Wherever you go, there you are, and it is exactly where you're supposed to be. So if it's in a dark hole, stay there! Hahah j/k But seriously, embrace and accept wherever it is that you are. If you're going through some sort of struggle, inner or outer, your mind racing with thoughts a mile a minute because of it; calm yourself, breathe, put on a lovely tune, or some good ole' Wallace & Gromit, it'll be sure to put a smile on your face and enlighten you to realize that whatever it is you're going through is only for a moment in time, opposed to the grander scheme of things. Seasons in life, seasons of emotions, friends that visit for seasons too; and love…well, it is the greatest thing, so don't dismiss it, embrace it too, with all its squalid brilliance! Just remember it takes two to tango, and if the other person very well doesn't care to take your hand and dance with you…then they most likely won't like to accompany you on the dance of life either! Be patient with yourselves and where you're at. Be patient with your heart and the timing of the Universe.

Awaken and become aware that with life there are always miracles waiting to happen! The impossible is always possible, and what may be up now, treasure it, because it just may be down tomorrow. And people that are sensationally dreadful to you, and they say things that prick your heart and soul, know that they indeed may be jealous, un-aware and actually quite likely hurting themselves and because of lack of education or morals or upbringing they act out and do things they one day most certainly will regret. Let them be! Let it be! Keep smiling; keep doing the right things, showing kindness and you'll be sure to ace the test!

For yes darlings, this is only a test, and death, which is also a part of life, is the final. The final test, the moment you are able to review your life on earth, and the moment you return from whence you came. And how exciting would that be as well. Enjoy it for now, the good, the bad, the cheesy…because tomorrow just may be your lucky day! Live with that hope and expectation! J



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