Thursday, January 3, 2013


The clock strikes twelve and all of a sudden you’re whisked away from your dreams and placed back into reality; similar to the infamous fairy-tale character ‘Cinderella’. But because your dreams evaporate doesn't mean that it’ll never come true! This is a time when everyone wishes to make change, to start fresh, to become a better person; and most times we fall flat on our face within a couple of days, weeks, or months.

Change doesn't come instantly; it is something that takes practice, hard-work, and determination. And just because it doesn't come easy, doesn't mean that it’s impossible or that you ‘can’t’ do it. ‘Can’t’ should not be a part of your vocabulary; you know the saying, “It is better to love and have love lost than to have never loved at all…” Well similarly you should keep telling yourself, “It is better to try than to never try at all.” Would you feel better staying in a rut, being helpless or hopeless or would you feel better at least trying to make positive change? The answer should be simple, because just shifting your current mind-set to a positive one immediately you begin attracting positive energy and things into your life! J

Grace is fluidity. It is elegantly adapting and moving in an attractive way. We must look to this New Year with grace. Using grace to face whatever comes our way. Life = Adventure. And adventure is always unpredictable and spontaneous! We need to have goodwill and grace when times are nice and when they become sensationally awful. When you dwell in a mindful, loving, and sincere space, divine light and blessings of love, joy and beauty are always sent your way. Therefore nothing is impossible! And change, resolutions or shifting slowly but surely to your esteemed dream, no matter how great is ultimately possible.

Cinderella may only be a story for some; but I know of several modern-day and real Cinderella’s being given the charm, grace and will-power of a budding princess. If things were really meant to be easy, then she would never have to hear the clock strike twelve. She would never have to lose her glass slipper. Everything would have materialized by the touch of a wand and she’d live happily ever after; but even in her story there were ups and downs. Remember darlings that you can guarantee sunshine, comfort and peace after a turbulent storm; it is the law of the Universe. So then, believing that you must have control in all instances in life, will only lead to disaster; as an alternative let no impatience or despair cloud your vision. Be graceful, have faith and your resolutions and dreams will take precedence at the most perfect of times. J



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