Monday, September 9, 2013

Don't take the Bait

Temptation is all around us. We are lucky to be given the gift of free-will, choice and the ability to make decisions. We must choose wisely and remember that all that glitters isn't gold. We must learn to see through games and sly ways. The bait offers us wonderful things, grand things, like, power, fame, fortune, and the hope of greener grass; and all in a seemingly easy way. It is waved in our faces in the most mysterious and hypnotic way, and most of us find ourselves drawn to take that easy bite, that wanted break.


One bite, and you'll be reeled in. Pulled to the surface, lost, and gasping for air. Like fishes, some of us are big fishes in a small pond with leverage to get most of what you want…others are smaller fishes in a big pond, hoping for the desires of our hearts to manifest. Those that offer you bait usually have ulterior motives and not your best interest at heart. They are hoping to show off that prize fish, be recognized for finding it, keep it trapped as a prized possession to show off or cook it up and boil it and fry it till it's drained of dear life.

Leave the bait. Keep your creativity, your freedom, and your peace of mind by finding your own food that'll award you nourishment. You can feed yourself. You don't always need that bait/break. What is for you, you will get it and in due time. The Universe/God is attracting all the right people at the right time and you needeth stress or worry about things that are out of your control. Keep on the path darlings, be kind, be of service, and keep joy in your heart as you continue to partake in activities you love…all the rest will fall into place.

We only see snapshots of the masterpiece of our lives. Trust that your choice is a good one and things will be revealed and unfolded as they should. It may not make sense now, but all is well and as it should be, enjoy the journey, because when you arrive, you'll be in a place much more exquisite than your heart could even imagine!


Love Jair

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