Originally written in Japan by writers Garon Tsuchiya and Nobuaki Minegishi, and incipiently brought to the big screen by Korean director Chan-wook Park in 2003; Hollywood short of ideas these days decided to bring this film to the screen once more. Expertly made by Park, this Action/Drama/Mystery was easily slotted as one of the top rated movies of all time, garnering 38 wins and 18 nominations that year.
Sadly, even though ‘Old Boy’ was re-made with good intentions and with some of Hollywood’s biggest and brightest actors, Josh Brolin, Samuel L. Jackson, and Elizabeth Olsen, to name a few, the movie wasn’t as hard-hitting as it had been when it first appeared on screen. This time it was led by director ‘Spike Lee,’ (Do the Right Thing, Malcom X, Chi-raq) and even with a budget of an enormous $30 million USD only made back $2 million USD at the box-office and although nominated for 4 awards, did not have the pleasure of winning any.
This inexplicable tale of suffering and rebirth for a man who was trapped and released only to suffer tremendously upon his release; is a clever thought-provoking conspiracy we have to thank the first writers, cast, and crew for. ‘Old Boy’ reminds us that obnoxious behaviour rarely gets us anywhere except in trouble and that sometimes seeking revenge brings us boomerang-like anguish. Whether you watch the 2003 version or the later 2013 version it makes for a warranted night of epic entertainment!
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