Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I figured 'Rebirth' would be a good title, as opposed to 'After-birth', which sounds a bit slimier, don't you think? Anyway, I want to speak about Rebirth. We are in the thick of the Christmas Season right now, and perhaps for many of you, Christmas has no sentimental meaning, or because of your staunch religious beliefs, you believe that your way is the only way or right way; or perhaps you don't believe in anything at all and refuse to be a part of any celebration; or maybe still you just think any holiday is an excuse to become a raging consumer. Any one of these excuses could be brilliant, I've heard them all; but they're still only excuses given from people afraid to experience or celebrate different things in life. Here's one, "I don't feel in the Christmas spirit, because it is about family, and gift-giving and I don't have either one."

Firstly, as I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, 'Gifts', Christmas, or any other holiday for that matter, isn't only about wrapping up things you buy in stores, but instead about sharing, loving, showing and helping your fellow man. Your presence with each other is the real gift; and life in general is the ultimate gift. Secondly, Christmas is the remembrance of the Christ-child (Prophet Jesus, the Messiah) who was born in a humble manger and later grew up to perform miracles and teach us lessons beyond the life that we see, and ultimately die for our sins. This is what Christmas truly is about; the memory and celebration, as well as cooking, cleaning, laughing and sharing stories with your family and loved ones.

Shortly after Christmas, comes the New Year! The New Year and New lease on life! A fresh start, a Rebirth if you will; of hope, optimism and promise. During this time of year, one also has the retrospect of the year's events and lessons, the obstacles, the un-kept resolutions, and also the things he/she has indeed accomplished. I had the pleasure of speaking with a dear friend from my country this morning and in doing that I was able to arrive at a significant epiphany and even joy from such a sinister situation. My friend is currently going through therapy after being hurt from a dreadful car accident. This reminded me also of another friend who a year ago also was the victim of a terrible car accident, and lastly reminding me of the car accident I had during this year as well.

I realized then, that in each instance there were varying amounts of damage, whether it be to the car, to the body, our even our mental state of mind. One friend had brain damage, a year ago and didn't even remember who I was when I went to visit. One is undergoing therapy and is slowly recovering by re-strengthening of the limbs. And well, the other, being myself besides bruising and bleeding from shattered glass is still dealing with unbelievable paper-work. Each of us are going through changes. We may see them as obstacles or problems, but in reality, we are going through changes for a clearer and better view and enjoyment of life. We are engaging in a re-birth of sorts. We must not become bitter, terrified, or jaded, but instead resilient.

Car accidents aren't the only problems we go through in life, and probably aren't the only problems we go through in life at one point in time. Sometimes it's the whole lot of problems piled up high, one on top of the other, weighing us down and leaving us overwhelmed. But just remember that things break down, or situations change, or obstacles and problems occur, when the Universe/God wants to make changes in our lives for the better. We may not be aware of it right away, but it is either to teach us a lesson, or it happens to allow other things to happen so that we can be more focused on what it is we really need to be attending to. Whatever you lose in life, be it money, belongings, friends, lovers, or material objects, we are losing it because it has changed us, blinded us, or is not good for us. Trust the Universe when you go through these changes, you are about to receive new and better things in your life.

So ask for guidance, and for your unseen angels to steer you and lead you where you need to be. Go bravely and without question, keep doing the right things and trust your intuition, just remember, for heaven's sake; BUCKLE-UP! J It's a bumpy, safari ride, or as I like to say, an Adventure! J

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