Sunday, April 17, 2011


There comes a time in one's life when they've been drenched by so many storms, and have fallen and gotten dirty and dusty, and been mocked and ridiculed and tainted beyond repair so many times. It doesn't mean that these things end. But there comes a time, when the person going through so much adversity is raised up and spun in light, emerging from all that pain to not only withstand future calamity but also emerging into a beautiful butterfly, into a life renewed with promise, hope and understanding; the mind finally becoming an ally, the sight blossoming with truth.

We must remember to be honest with ourselves and stand up for what we believe in, for only in truth can we prosper. People go about as if they have no conscience, and pretend as though the world revolves around them and their problems, but we will only realize that it is through sharing and giving of our time, effort, feelings and energy, are we able to achieve true lessons and fulfillment, one that no gadget on this earthly plane could ever come close to satisfying.

So break free of your cocoon, that safe place/haven you stay wrapped in because of fear of the unknown. You must not be afraid of leaving the shore, for you will never be able to discover new lands. Spend too much time procrastinating on speaking your true feelings, and you just might miss the sail boat, with that elegant 'island' girl on board. J

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