Friday, February 17, 2012

Who Slept With Her

I’ve been watching a number of Korean films lately; and having quite a laugh. Animated to the max with a mix of Bollywood dance numbers, fantasy dream-land sequences and some sexual connotations; make that a lot of sexual connotations. The Korean title is actually translated into ‘Hot For Teacher’ even though the English movie industry titled the film ‘Who Slept With Her’.

This fluffy, nonsensical, but entertaining film was written by Tae-won Jeong, Hyeon-hee Kim and directed by Yu-seong Kim and was released to audiences in 2006. It was VERY predictable with un-healthy teacher-student relationships, erections and sexual comedy. I can say though that there was tremendous camera work, with un-likely camera angles, techniques and some fun dance-numbers.

The actors were hilarious though; they had superb comic timing and great facial expressions. Sa-rang Kim, Seok-jin Ha and Seon-yeong Ahn kept its audience hooked with the usual but amusing covered giggle and bulgy-eyed moments.

I won’t start a Korean comedy film collection; but it’s always nice to have a good laugh! J

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