Thursday, March 3, 2011

You're Ready Now


I decided to stand there for a long while

Just feeling the wind swirling around me

And it was then I didn't feel me anymore

Or who I thought I was

Who it was I thought I needed to be

I was finally so free

So free to be me

And I realized I was majestic

I was becoming aware that I was perfect in every way

Part of the leaves that rustled about me

Part of the mountains that stood so great

And like the wind and river

Constantly moving and changing

And then I heard the birds singing so sweetly upon the branch

The loveliest tune I'd ever heard

They were singing of love

Of love infinite and true

That even though I was alone

I wasn't really

And a smile is what they brought to my lips

I was loved all the time

Just the way I was

And it felt good to know that

I smelt mangoes, and they smelt so good

I could almost taste its delicious golden flesh

Sliding through my teeth

Juice escaping like my new found joy

Because the angels were laughing now

They weren't whispering as before

They were rejoicing

Because now I knew I was connected

And would be forever

To this infinite love

This trust and truth

And understanding divine

For now I was finally ready to believe

And I would not have to repeat the lessons I'd chose

That were so painful

For now I saw in much more brilliant light

And my heart lay there open

Wide and red

Vulnerable yet alive

Pumping with knowledge

Pumping with hope

Pumping with love

Love - love - love

Gushing in – and - out

In – and - out

And then the wind stopped

And again my feet began to move

That's what it's all about isn't it?

Transport this love

Share this love

Know this love

Help with this love

For love is what is now and what will be forever

"The time is now", my angels said, "Move forward!" J

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