Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We Belong

We humans are ever so powerful, so resilient yet on the other hand, so darn fragile. We're given some hard knocks and wonder at times how we shall overcome them at all. It seems like a battle in an un-ending war these days; but for those of us awake to the truth of the Universe and all the hidden splendor available to us, we realize that despite the people that break us down, despite their actions, lack of fairness and thoughtfulness, we know that we must continue striving forward. For there are happy endings for those who believe in it; and the Universe/God will provide for the gentle, meek, and grateful. Fear not, for love and light surrounds you, and the dreams you hold, if they are built with good heart, will certainly be attainable, as all things seemingly impossible is made possible. For the door is always open, it is only ajar though until you are ready to proceed forward! J

** One of my fave films; beautiful song...

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