Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I always come up with quotes, but most times never think they're clever enough to write down.
But today, one came to me ... it isn't the most snazzy, but it means so much to me. You see, 2 years ago, I lost a great friend. I lost many friends, but the way I lost Johnny was so sudden and tragic. He was my flight mate, and was the only one to spend my birthday with me that year. How sweet he was. We were stuck in the airport together, and we entertained ourselves...

He would always invite me to Vietnam, that was his home-land, but unfortunately we would never make it there. He died a couple months later. I'd seen him a week before he passed on. He said we should 'hang out'. He smiled so much :))

He got a trip to Lihue for work, but never returned ... they say he had drowned. The other flight attendants said that the night before, he said he was scared because he felt like he was going to die. The next day he did indeed die. I found out on my way to work, I was flying somewhere, somewhere domestic, and there was a board with his photo and name posted on it. I thought he must have been awarded for his excellent work... Alas, it was not so...

I've been afraid of swimming in Hawai'i; and still don't trust those waves entirely. I am from the Caribbean; our seas are warmer and calmer there. But I still yearn to surf, I'll make it out there one day, in the Pacific cold sea...it will happen.

But here is the quote:

"Life is a beach; sacrifice keeps you from drowning." - Jair Ananda Massiah

Take it to mean, whatever you wish, but for me, it means so much ... Thank-you Johnny ;)

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