Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's OK to cry

Okay readers, so this is my last post for January 2010! Hope you enjoy...

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with superheroes. Batman (my favourite), Superman, Spiderman, Wonderwoman, Storm, Raven, Invisible Woman, Ironman, Hulk, Flash, Aquaman, Silver Surfer ecetera. Well they are indestructible, most times, they fight the villains and protect the community.

I happened to grow up next to a superhero. Her name was 'Mummy'. Yes, my very own mother is 'Superwoman' :)) She was certainly a tough cookie. She was unswerving, strong and if option A didn't work, there would be option B. I've only seen my mother cry once. It was at the funeral of our local parish priest. They say he committed suicide... He was well loved in the community, so to find him swinging in his home by a rope, came as a shock to everyone. We didn't talk about that incident very much, but I remember that underneath her snazzy sunglasses, I did indeed see tears flow...

That day, I saw a softer side of my mother, something I'm not sure I was supposed to see. She raised my siblings and I quite tenacious to say the least. My sister followed excellently in her footsteps and me, I always had a softer side. Not until I came to the dating world or acting classes though, did I realize how much I hid my tears. For you see, to me it signified a sign of weakness...of vulnerability. But I found out, it isn't so at all.

My acting coach said that it signified strength, and that it in fact helped you heal. The others
told me that it was okay to feel, to let loose, and that they'd do the protecting (shaking my head and smiling). But you know what; they are in fact quite right. Crying is what your soul has been waiting for. After you expell this emotion, life returns...

Most 'self-help' books and 'good-living' type books swear that you should be 'happy' all the time. That you can have all you want, if you just keep happy. Yes; happiness is such a wonderful feeling. It would be nice to be there always, or is it? One can not be happy always with skeletons in their closet, or with past issues that need healing. Tears help cleanse the soul. If you need to scream, then scream, if you need to cry, then do that as well.

It's good to succumb to your emotions, but it is even better when you are in control of them, and call on them when you need them most. For actors, when you need to portray a certain emotion to help paint a story. Once you've called on them and are able to be free of it, you should be grateful. Every day; for no matter your complaint or problem, remember that somebody is suffering more than you...


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