Sunday, January 22, 2012


I was inspired to write after seeing the good fortune of one of my dear friends, (whom I’d met on set of a Caribbean film a couple years prior) and the joy it brought me from seeing good things happening to good people. It happens more frequently than one might think; and for those who believe otherwise well it’s only because they have trust issues.

Trust isn’t the easiest thing to have; however if you wish to reconstruct your life and journey on a path to success, one needs to have trust! Trust in the Universal Laws/God and Trust also in themselves. Once you do everything in your power to make your dreams come true, and you know you’ve given 100% then you can turn yourself loose and quit worrying. You know that you have a clear conscience and did your best, now you have to trust the Universe/God to do their part. Once we increase trust in our lives we are able to become more aware of the synchronicities in our lives. With peace of mind, we accept things as they currently are; understanding that change will come when the time is right. Rising trust = increased intuition and heightened intuition are memories of the truth! We already know the truth; all we have to do now is trust those instincts! J

We come here all with different desires and we set out on a path to achieve those desires. Along the way, people tell us we’re not good enough and that it would be easier to just settle for less. But my darlings, settling for less isn’t going to bring the happiness you crave from doing what you love. Society puts limits on mankind. Society tries to create what they think life should be like. But life should be like what you want it to be like. What is it that you love? I’m here to tell you that “You are qualified!” Forget whatever qualifications society trains you to believe in and instead realize that you are qualified and perfect for the job that you were born to do. We are all qualified in life to go after with the highest of trust, what brings you happiness!

You have the desire for a reason. Don’t drown your instincts. Don’t doubt your desires. Now is the time to reconstruct your life and live it to its fullest potential every day. Don’t say you’ll do it tomorrow. Do it today. Now! It’s time to give 100% to your passion and trust that you are the qualified person for the job. What makes you qualified? By being and giving love and kindness to your fellow-man; this is the only way to keep within the flow.

Good things happen to good people all the time!

Maybe you’re next? Trust it…dreams do come true! J

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